Preventive Services

Types of Dental Cleaning

Scaling and Root Planing

Periodontal Maintenance

Full Mount Debridement


Periodontal Scaling and Root Planning

Periodontal scaling and root planning is often called a “deep cleaning”. The dentist will recommend scaling and root planning (SRP) when a patient shows signs of gum disease. These signs may include the finding of deeper gum pockets, loss of support for the teeth that is visible on x-rays, bleeding gums, or accumulation of plaque and tartar below the gums. (SRP) procedures are generally completed in quadrants (or sections of the mouth) and usually require the dentist or hygienist to numb the treatment area so that the crown and the root surfaces of the teeth can be thoroughly scaled and cleaned.

Periodontal Maintenance

A periodontal (PM) is a procedure that is recommended following periodontal treatment (such as scaling and root planning) and continues at varying intervals as determined by the clinical evaluation of the dentist. PM is important because periodontal disease can recur without adequate follow up.

PM includes removal of plaque and tartar above and below the gums, scaling and root planning of specific areas, and polishing. PM is almost always completed following active periodontal treatment such as scaling and root planning or more extensive gum surgery.

Full Mouth Debridement

On occasions when there has been significant build-up of plaque and tartar that makes it difficult to complete a thorough examination, the dentist will recommend full mouth debridement (FMD) which is the gross removal of plaque and tartar build up from the teeth and gums. This procedure is considered a preliminary procedure is generally performed prior to scaling and root planning, and does not prevent the need for additional scaling and teeth cleaning procedures.


Most known as “simple or regular” dental cleaning, prophylaxis is recommended when the patient does not present any signs of gum disease and tartar build up is minimum.

Often dental insurances cover about two dental prophylaxis per year as dental preventive maintenance.

Schedule your CLEANING TODAY!

    Fight infection right where it starts


    You may have heard about gum disease, also known as “periodontitis” or “periodontal disease.” Maybe a dental professional or hygienist recently told you that you have this infection. But did you know that periodontal disease is today’s #1 cause of tooth loss among American adults? Or that, although a causal relationship between periodontal disease and an elevated risk for systemic events has not been established, recent data suggest a possible association between periodontal disease and other health issues including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and preterm low birth-weight babies?

    ``ARESTIN® (minocycline hydrochloride) Micro spheres, 1 mg is an effective antibiotic treatment that comes in powder form. This powder is placed inside infected periodontal pockets just after the dental professional finishes the scaling and root planning (SRP) procedure

    ARESTIN@®uses Microsphere technology to deliver minocycline, an antibiotic that kills the bacteria that cause periodontal disease. The minocycline is placed painlessly under the gums, directly to the infected site. ARESTIN® Microspheres continue to fight the infection for up to 21 days.

    ARESTIN@is indicated as an adjunct to scaling and root planning (SRP) procedures for reduction of pocket depth in patients with adult periodontal disease. ARESTIN® may be used as part of a periodontal maintenance program which includes good oral hygiene, and scaling and root planning.``


    A dental sealants a plastic coating applied to the chewing surfaces of back teeth. Grooves in these teeth are so narrow that a toothbrush cannot fit into the spaces to remove plaque. Dental sealants are recommended to prevent dental decay within the grooves of the tooth’s chewing surface. Children should receive sealants on permanent molars as soon as they erupt (about ages 6 and 12 years).

    Night-guards & Mouth guards

    Custom designed mouth guards and night-guards are made of flexible plastic and molded to fit the shape of your teeth. Mouth guards are recommended to protect the jaw and teeth during physical activity and sports such as boxing, football, basketball, or other activities where your mouth may be hit.

    Guards also protect the soft tissues of your tongue, lips and cheek lining.

    Night-guards are recommended for patients who clench or grind their teeth at night. The best way protect their teeth and bite. If you have decided a guard is right for you, we will take an impression of your teeth which will then be sent to a lab to make a custom fit guard. In most cases you can choose from a variety of colors and styles. On average, guards last between 3 and 10 years.