Dental Implants

Dental implants are designed to provide a foundation for replacement teeth that look, feel and function like natural teeth. The person who has lost teeth regains the ability to eat virtually anything and can smile with confidence, knowing that teeth appear natural and the facial contours will be preserved. Dental implants are changing the way people live. With implants they are rediscovering the comfort and confidence to eat, speak, laugh and enjoy life.

Dental implants provide a stable foundation for replacement teeth that are closest to your natural teeth and  dental implants are a reliable solution !

… If disease leads to tooth loss.

At any age, periodontitis, caries, or other diseases can cause tooth loss. Dental implants are then the ideal solution for your missing teeth.

.. If an accident leaves you with missing teeth.

Whether in sports activities or daily life – a small accident can cause tooth loss. In this case, too, dental implants restore lost function and appearance.

For teeth that never grew at all, dental implants provide a solid foundation for replacement teeth.

A dental implant is a small screw made of titanium, which is a metal that the body easily accepts. The dental implant is inserted into the bone of the jaw, and over time the jawbone integrates with the implant surface,firmly anchoring it.

Under normal conditions, the healing process can take as little as 6 weeks. After this time, a crown, bridge, or denture is secured to the implant.

Ask your dentist how dental implants can work for your individual situation.

Benefits of dental implants

  • Dental implants are the closest possible replacement to natural teeth.
  • They make replacement teeth stable for eating and smiling with confidence.
  • Dental implants remove the need to cut down healthy teeth for a bridge.
  • They can eliminate the pain caused by ill-fitting dentures.
  • Dental implants help preserve the bone in the jaws.
  • In some cases, they help maintain the shape of the face restoration without implants

One of the major benefits of dental implants is that they provide a stable foundation for replacement teeth and help preserve the neighboring teeth and the bone structure.

With traditional treatment methods, healthy neighboring teeth need to be ground down to support a crown or bridge.

Additionally, because the tooth root is not replaced, the bone may deteriorate

Are you looking for a dental implant expert? Call us at (954) 523-0566

Restoration with Implants

With implant treatment, the dental implant replaces the lost tooth root and provides a stable foundation for the replacement tooth, thus eliminating the need to grind down healthy neighboring teeth.

Implant Insertion

Because traditional methods of tooth replacement, such as crowns, bridges, partials, and dentures, have disadvantages in terms of appearance and function, dental implants are considered by many dentists as the preferred method of tooth replacement.

Your dentist will be happy to review with you the specific procedure that would be best suited for your individual situation.

Example: Replacement of one tooth.


The first step in the treatment sequence is careful planning, which begins with a thorough examination of your individual oral situation. Through X-rays and models of your mouth, your doctor will determine the most suitable treatment plan for your situation.

Implant placement

The next step is placing the implant in the jaw. This procedure is usually performed in the dental office under local anesthesia. Once the implant is placed, it is left to heal. Healthy bone can form a strong bond with the implant in just 6 weeks

Replacement teeth

When the healing period is complete, the implant provides a solid foundation for attaching your replacement tooth.

Caring for your implant.

Just like natural teeth, implants require regular check-ups and  conscientious oral hygiene. Much of the success of dental implant treatment depends on keeping your new teeth clean and plaque-free.
Ask your dentist about home care kits or other cleaning devices, which can work best for you. At your check-up appointments, your dentist will evaluate the success of your home care.

With appropriate care, you considerably help maintain the long-term function of your implants

Mini Implants

Mini dental implants are about half the size in diameter of a regular dental implant. This offers many benefits, and they can also be used in situations where regular implants cannot. If an implant needs to be placed in a narrow space, mini implants are the preferred method because of their smaller size.

A main use for mini implants is to install a full upper or lower denture. A series of mini implants (4-6) are placed along the gum line and they serve as the base of the denture. Rather than placing a single implant for a single tooth, an entire lower or upper set of teeth are directly attached to the gum line.

The small size of mini implants often means that no incision needs to be made to place the implant. They can usually be inserted right through the gum into the bone. This eliminates the need for a recovery period, and the restoration can usually be placed right away or only a short time after.

Mini implants are also less expensive than regular implants. Only your dentist knows if mini implants are right for you, so call for your consultation today.

Denture Stabilization

Dental implants can stabilize dentures and virtually eliminate many of the problems associated with complete tooth loss and wearing dentures. In fact, for those patients who have lost a significant amount of bone and lip support, a removable over denture, which fits “over” the dental implants will often be the treatment of choice. Studies over the past two decades have confirmed the increased patient satisfaction resulting from this affordable treatment option.

Some of the benefits of dental implant treatment for stabilizing dentures, particularly lower dentures include:

  • Dental implant-supported over dentures will prevent further bone resorption (deterioration) caused by complete tooth loss and wearing dentures.
  • Implant-supported dentures are stable and comfortable, improving function and restoring a sense of confidence
  • Facial appearance can be improved restoring lost lip support and minimizing wrinkles
  • Biting and chewing capacity is significantly increased, improving nutrition and overall health

For more information about implants or to schedule a consultation appointment, call our office in Fort Lauderdale (954) 523-0566.